Session 41: Dragon Hunting



sir Korin Clubfoot, dwarf, F5

Dame Mia the elf, T3/MU2

sir Norbor the half-orc, F3


Cleon, F3

Xenop, C3

Orbo, C2

Tand, R2

Ausillar the half-elf, R2

Mukaz the half-orc, F1

Nardik, F1


    The party decides to use the captured kobolds to access the dragon. They want them to have the goblinoids offer him food as usual and use this opportunity to sneak into its lair. The kobolds at first are reluctant to act against the dragon, but as soon as they realise that they have no other option if they want to live, they decide to cooperate.

    So, the party and all of its henchmen march to the dragon's lair with a sheep and one of the kobolds. They force the kobold to take the sheep and offer it to the dragon while Mia follows closely to scout the lair and make sure that their plan works. They have dipped the sheep with a potion of diminution, to make the dragon smaller and an easier target. Mia, being invisible thanks to another potion that the party had, watches. 

    Unfortunately, the dragon let her small child eat first and after a few bites it shrinks to something barely bigger than a hatchling. The green dragon enraged by the betrayal of the kobold, starts flying to meet it outside. Then Mia decides to take action , breaks her invsibility and uses her wand of turn flesh to stone. The mighty green dragon couldn't resist it and it turned into a huge statue! When the smaller one, confused by what happened to its body comes closer it is also hit by Mia's wand and turns to stone as well!

    Mia gets back in the surface and informs everyone of her victory! The party amazed by her success, enters the lair and loot the countless jewels and coins they find. They head back to Humming's End, where Norbor and Mukaz train to get stronger. The party informs the kobold that now that they have destroyed the green dragon, ther tribe must be Humming's End subordinate and demand that both of them go back and inform their people. After that, they announce to the villagers that for this year they won't have to pay any taxes and they then head to Verbobonc, to have the rest of the group train and pay the taxes to the viscount fo Verbobonc.

    During their journey, they meet a band of elves that inform them that in the past they had problems with kobolds in the forest but the last month they are nowhere to be found and their settlement is abandoned. The party is troubled by that but they continue their way.

    In Verbobonc, everyone besides Korin train to get stronger. They sell an egg that they found on the dragon's lair to Bertham the sage, who informs them that the viscount offers a huge reward if someone faces the dragons that are hiding in the mountains and had attacked Korin and his former friends in the past. They also learn that the city of Scant had been taken over by the Scarlet Brotherhood that used some strange snake statues to gain military advantage.



45000 sp

20000 gp

20 jewels worth 23500 gp total

2 scrolls


1 old green dragon

1 young green dragon


Urikas the elf, F1/MU1, Readying 25, 576 CY, eaten by ghouls

Zyla the elf, C1, Readying 25, 576 CY, eaten by ghouls

Jack, F1, Readying 28, 576 CY, slain by the evil cleric named Lareth

Causticas the elf, F3/MU3, Goodmonth 14, 576 CY, burned alive by a red dragon

Yus, C1, Brewfest 6, 576 CY, Poisoned by a purple worm's sting

Trenaccatlo, F1, Ready'reat 27, 576 CY, devoured by a two-headed giant troll

Korin Clubfoot, F5, Flocktime 11, 577 CY, poisoned by giant centipedes / REVIVED


    Luck favors the brave! That was an amazing coin flip by Mia! The dragon needed just a 6 or more to save versus the wand. And if he succeeded, then our little elf would be alone against an enraged old dragon. However, the dragon rolled a 3 and as a result it became a wonderful statue. The smaller dragon needed a 13 but he failed just by one! It was almost there but almost doesn't count and since it was shrinked, he would lose to Mia anyway most probably!

    Now the party can boast that they have defeated a dragon! An amazing feat! What we need to see of course is how the kobolds will react. They know that the party has in its possesion a huge amount of gold but on the other hand they know that the party killed the mighty dragon! What will happen next then? We shall find out soon...


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