Session 42: Kobold's Massacre


sir Korin Clubfoot, dwarf, F5

Dame Mia the elf, T4/MU3

sir Norbor the half-orc, F4


Cleon, F4

Xenop, C4

Orbo, C3

Tand, R3

Ausillar the half-elf, R3

Mukaz the half-orc, F2

Nardik, F2


    After the training of the group was completed, they made their preparations to head back to Humming's End. They hired an architect who would help them construct a mechanism that will pull up the dragons from the cave and they also hired a few more men-at-arms.

    They began their journey on Fireseek 1 and in their way they met a big group of gnomes that were heading towards Verbobonc. They chatted with them and offered them job at Humming's End for all their future projects of building walls for their village and expanding. Some of the gnomes were interested and they promised to reach Humming's End in a few days.

    On Fireseek 5, the group reached Humming's End. They rested for a day and they began the next one with the architect, a few woodsmen as workers and their whole roster to head towards the dragons lair. Until the end of the day they have reached it but they found out that it was taken over by kobolds. The party attacked them and mercilessly destroyed all of them, killing more than 50 and keeping a few to help at the constructions. They revealed that they were working together with some orcs that wanted to bring the dragon back to life and that they have taken the small one back to their camp.

    The party decided to stay there and start its work to put out the big dragon and guard the workers for as many days as it would take.





60 kobolds


Urikas the elf, F1/MU1, Readying 25, 576 CY, eaten by ghouls

Zyla the elf, C1, Readying 25, 576 CY, eaten by ghouls

Jack, F1, Readying 28, 576 CY, slain by the evil cleric named Lareth

Causticas the elf, F3/MU3, Goodmonth 14, 576 CY, burned alive by a red dragon

Yus, C1, Brewfest 6, 576 CY, Poisoned by a purple worm's sting

Trenaccatlo, F1, Ready'reat 27, 576 CY, devoured by a two-headed giant troll

Korin Clubfoot, F5, Flocktime 11, 577 CY, poisoned by giant centipedes / REVIVED


    Poor kobolds. I think I still don't realise how much stronger the PCs get as they gain levels. To say that this was a one sided battle would be an understatement. The kobolds really didn't stand a chance!

    I have them use a few tricks like throwing oil trying to burn the party out but they patiently let the fire calm down and when the road was open, charged against them. They made several attacks per round with almost every hit being a kill.

    I was thinking that this is what peasant uprisings should look like in the middle ages. Farmers fighting with whatever they can against trained professionals who have armor to protect them and deadly weapons to kill instantly their opponent. 

    Well, with that taken care of, we need to see what the party will do now. Taking the dragon out might be harder than they think...


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