Dame Mia the elf, T5/MU4
sir Norbor the half-orc, F5
Cleon, F4
Falhed, R1
Gravoldel, R1
Briu, T1
Vailbezal, I1
Larth, P1
Rhadum, R2
Jared, C1
Bierduth, C1
Zasti, MU1
Rotoris the elf, MU1
10 light horsemen
2 mounted crossbowmen
The party starts preparing for the attack. The fact that a powerful magic user was part of the group that they were about to face was very worrisome. So they decide to use Mia's stealthiness as well as a potion of invisibility and a potion of undetectable poison that they had from previous adventures to take him out. The plan is to have an invisible Mia approach them when they prepare the meal of the day and poison the food that is intented for the magic user. Their prisoners informed them for the time that they usually eat and also for the fact that the wizard eats alone at his tower and one of his servants brings him his food.
However, the group knew that some members of the party, like Larth the paladin, won't be eager to use poison. So, they ask him to stay where they are alongside the 2 mounted crossbowmen and guard their prisoners, awaiting for the party to face their enemies. He accepts and so the rest of the team head to the north, and after about an hour of travel they approach the area of the bandit's keep.
With them gone, Mia appeared out of the woods and with her spell put the 10 guards that stayed to sleep. She also used web and the 3 lieutenants were caught. Only the leader remained, who despite everything was ready to fight to the death. He was incircled by 5 enemies, the 3 rangers, Korin and Cleon and managed to wound all of them, killing Rhadum before finally fall too. Norbor and the cavalry finished off the webbed enemies and Mia killed the asleep ones.
Urikas the elf, F1/MU1, Readying 25, 576 CY, eaten by ghouls
Zyla the elf, C1, Readying 25, 576 CY, eaten by ghouls
Jack, F1, Readying 28, 576 CY, slain by the evil cleric named Lareth
Causticas the elf, F3/MU3, Goodmonth 14, 576 CY, burned alive by a red dragon
Yus, C1, Brewfest 6, 576 CY, Poisoned by a purple worm's sting
Trenaccatlo, F1, Ready'reat 27, 576 CY, devoured by a two-headed giant troll
Korin Clubfoot, F5, Flocktime 11, 577 CY, poisoned by giant centipedes / REVIVED
sir Norbor the half-orc, F5, Coldeven 7, 578 CY, poisoned by huge spiders / REVIVED
sir Norbor the half-orc, F5, Planting 8, 578 CY, poisoned by large spiders/ REVIVED
Another nice chainmaily session in this campaign! As usual, I divide the enemies in groups of 10 levels total and decide in what category they belong according to their armor. That was easy for the normal bandits since they were 1 level each, so every group of 10 guards was a normal chainmail figure of light armor troops (leather and shield). The leader (8 level) and the 3 lieutenants (4 level each) would be divided in two groups of armored troups(plate and shield), although for higher level enemies I just use normal ADnD combat rules. I combine the chainmail battlesystem to resolve what's happening for example when 30 enemies fight of 20 of the party's men and in the same time normal ADnD to figure out what two PCs do against some of the bandit's forces.
Indeed I didn't need to. The fact that basically only the leader managed to give a fight made it easy for me. He was extremely strong and his magical weapons and armor made him very dangerous but in the end the party's numbers were far too greater.
All that thanks to the party's amazing strategy! I love how they used a random encounter that happened a few sessions before to have the illusionist use phantasmal force to such a devastating effect! It's great how every little random detail falls into line and can be used as an advantage by the players! Big shout-out to Norbor's player who came up with the idea, whose blog you can find here btw!
I also was troubled about the fact that the hirelings were used as henchmen. I agreed to it because they were really close to their enemies and it would be strange if they left the party alone in this, but they asked for more reward and took all the silver coins! Not bad for simple hirelings! I also counted them as heavy horsemen. This was too much I think because they had leather armor but I took into account the fact that Norbor, their leader in this fight, was heavily armored and his horse was barded as well!
It was also a very risky move by using Mia to poison the magic user. She was lucky because despite the invisibility I had the player roll a d100 and in a 10 or lower the guard could sense that something is up. She succeeded twice, as well as when she poisoned the food. I also had rolled the chance to have someone else taste the food before the magic user (which it didn't happen) and of course he failed his saving throw. And we shouldn't forget that I roll the invisibility potion duration in secret, so Mia couldn't know how much time she had. She took however two doses, to make sure that she had enough in case the plan demaned a few more minutes. This lucky bet combined with their amazing surprise tactic, lead to one more victory!
They forgot of course about Larth but luckily for him he had no random encounters. Also most of their henchmen have increaded loyalty now! Of course Cleon is now fanatically devoted to the party, after so many years of service, but the other are approaching that level as well!
So it all worked out fine in the end! The golden anniversary of the campaign was a truly amazing session and we are looking forward for the next! Let's see what the party will do then!!!
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