
Showing posts from July, 2024

Session 57: Dragon Slayers Slayer

  PCs: sir Korin Clubfoot, dwarf, F6 Dame Mia the elf, T5/MU4 sir Norbor the half-orc, F5 Darwin, T1 PARTY'S HENCHMEN: Cleon, F4 Falhed, R1 Gravoldel, R1 Briu, T1 Rhadum, R2 Jared, C1 Gorovosok, T4 sir Jean-Pierre, P4 Duchan, I1 Reyneor, R1 Arron, C2 Blails, C1 Doha, MU1 Notheren, MU1 Pykus, F1 10 mounted lancemen SESSION RECAP:     The party had just managed to defeat an adult red dragon right outside their lair. They immediately begun cutting it to pieces in order for it to be easily moved back to Verbobonc so that they can claim the reward from the city.     However, as they were chopping out its legs and head, an even bigger red dragon came out just a few yards away, in the area that their map said the lair was. He was shocked that the other red dragon was dead and demanded to know what happened. The party claimed that 4 silver dragons assaulted the red one and defeated. They were only following them hoping to enter their lair. The ancient red dragon angrily demanded the direct

Session 56: Dragon Slayers

  PCs: sir Korin Clubfoot, dwarf, F6 Dame Mia the elf, T5/MU4 sir Norbor the half-orc, F5 Darwin, T1 PARTY'S HENCHMEN: Cleon, F4 Falhed, R1 Gravoldel, R1 Briu, T1 Rhadum, R2 Jared, C1 Gorovosok, T4 sir Jean-Pierre, P4 Duchan, I1 Reyneor, R1 Arron, C2 Blails, C1 Doha, MU1 Notheren, MU1 Pykus, F1 10 mounted lancemen SESSION RECAP:     After the tournament was over and new allies recruited, the party took advantage of their momentum and hired some more hirelings and henchmen. With that done, they were finally ready to face of the red dragons.     After 5 days of uneventful travelling, they reached the area of their lair. The map that they have acquired was correct and they were able to spot the red dragon that was on guard duty without being spotted.     Then, they had the illusionist cast phantasmal force to make a small army, a replica of the party, to appear behind the dragon. That forced the beast to come out of hiding and use his breath weapon against the illusion. This was the p

Session 55: The Tournament Of Verbobonc

  PCs: sir Korin Clubfoot, dwarf, F6 Dame Mia the elf, T5/MU4 sir Norbor the half-orc, F5 PARTY'S HENCHMEN: Cleon, F4 Falhed, R1 Gravoldel, R1 Briu, T1 Rhadum, R2 Jared, C1 SESSION RECAP:     The time for the grand tournament arrived! There were three competitions, jousting, melee and thieves' skills challenge and the winners would have the honor of joining the group in their fight against the red dragons!     The party spent a lot of money for this and knights from all over the viscounty, and even further away, from Veluna and Furyondy arrived! Among them an old friend, the paladin known as Jean-Pierre from Veluna city who helped them fight of a band of thieves two years ago.     Jean-Pierre managed to prevail in the jousting competition, Korin won the melee so the party was joined by the second man standing, a fighter named Pykus and the thieves' competition was won by a thief called Gorovosok.     These new adventurers joined the group and now they are preparing for the

Session 54: Enter The Kraken

  PCs: sir Korin Clubfoot, dwarf, F6 Dame Mia the elf, T5/MU4 sir Norbor the half-orc, F5 PARTY'S HENCHMEN: Cleon, F4 Falhed, R1 Gravoldel, R1 Briu, T1 Larth, P1 Rhadum, R2 Jared, C1 Bierduth, C1 Zasti, MU1 Rotoris the elf, MU1 1 halfling thief SESSION RECAP:     The party, having defeated the pirates, used its miraculous figurine to inform the merchants of Verbobonc that they have 3 cogs and they are willing to sell them but they need to have sailors sent to them so that they can get them on the port of the city. Until an answer arrives, they decide to rest there. They choose to sleep in the ships, taking advantage of the crow's nest to watch out for enemies.     However, in the middle of the night they will have to face a terror they never had before. Two giant tentacles appeared from the river's waters and engulfed one of the cogs, while 6 more attacked the ships passengers. Larth, Blerduth, Zasti, Rotoris and Zanyas, the remaing halfling thief, were caught by this creat

Session 53: Fighting The Pirates

  PCs: sir Korin Clubfoot, dwarf, F6 Dame Mia the elf, T5/MU4 sir Norbor the half-orc, F5 Maddur, F1 Hoss Lardo, MU1 PARTY'S HENCHMEN: Cleon, F4 Falhed, R1 Gravoldel, R1 Briu, T1 Vailbezal, I1 Larth, P1 Rhadum, R2 Jared, C1 Bierduth, C1 Zasti, MU1 Rotoris the elf, MU1 2 halfling thieves 10 light horsemen 2 crossbow men SESSION RECAP:     A few week had to pass in order for the paladin Larth to get ressurected and in the meantime, the party tried to recruit some new followers and learn additional rumours. They 've heard that about 90 miles northeast of Verbobonc, 3 vessels have docked in the river and while they were posing as merchants they were actually pirates.     The group have also met the halflings that they have encountered on the road a few days ago. They said that some of them were looking to get involved with the local thieves guild and the party promised to get them in touch if they help them on their adventures. The halflings agreed to have two of them follow the pa