Session 52: Different Level, Same Results



sir Korin Clubfoot, dwarf, F6

Dame Mia the elf, T5/MU4

sir Norbor the half-orc, F5


Cleon, F4

Falhed, R1

Gravoldel, R1

Briu, T1

Vailbezal, I1

Larth, P1

Rhadum, R2

Jared, C1

Bierduth, C1

Zasti, MU1

Rotoris the elf, MU1

10 light horsemen

2 crossbow men


    The party descended on the second floor of the dungeon. In there, there was a group of bandits that tried to stop them and in the fight, Larth the paladin who charged against them was slain by the spear of one of the bandits. The group then was searching the room but soon enough they were attacked by some strange humanoids with burnt faces. They easily destroyed them and then they continued the exploration of this floor of the dungeon. The bandits had some pendants of Lolth on them.
    Once more they encountered huge and giant spiders and once more Nolbor was stung and poisoned. Luckily for him however, this time they had antidotes so he didn't die and they defeated the spiders. After a few minutes of exploration they met some vulture-like creatures that were hurt and had some eggs around them. The party destroyed the eggs and killed the humanoid vultures. After that and having found some treasure, they took the dead body of Larth and travelled back on Verbobonc. 
    On the road they met a group of elves that live on the Gnarley Forest. They informed them cultists of Lolth had a base in there and that they should be careful. 
    When they returned, they paid the cost for Larth's ressurection, which was successful.


9000 sp

6 bandits
5 huge spiders
3 giant spiders
3 burnt men-like creatures
2 vulture-like creatures


Urikas the elf, F1/MU1, Readying 25, 576 CY, eaten by ghouls

Zyla the elf, C1, Readying 25, 576 CY, eaten by ghouls

Jack, F1, Readying 28, 576 CY, slain by the evil cleric named Lareth

Causticas the elf, F3/MU3, Goodmonth 14, 576 CY, burned alive by a red dragon

Yus, C1, Brewfest 6, 576 CY, Poisoned by a purple worm's sting

Trenaccatlo, F1, Ready'reat 27, 576 CY, devoured by a two-headed giant troll

Korin Clubfoot, F5, Flocktime 11, 577 CY, poisoned by giant centipedes / REVIVED

sir Norbor the half-orc, F5, Coldeven 7, 578 CY, poisoned by huge spiders / REVIVED

sir Norbor the half-orc, F5, Planting 8, 578 CY, poisoned by large spiders/ REVIVED


    This session was just more of the same. Once again the spiders had 4 different targets and almost all of them picked Nolbor, with two of them managing to hit him despite his really good AC. It's unbelievable how this keeps happening, luckily for him though they had the antidote this time.

    It was also strange how easily Larth was killed. That was a good lesson, never charge with level 1 characters! They brought him back however and that means that he is more loyal to them than ever!

    On this session they became sure that there are followers of Lolth in this area and that means that a very particular kind of elves dwells nearby...

    Let's see what new adventures they will face in the sessions to come!


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